University of Thessaly / Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology / Laboratory of Genetics, Comparative & Evolutionary Biology (BIOZ) – Coordinator:
The Laboratory of Genetics, Comparative and Evolutionary Biology (BIOZ) was founded by the Presidential Decree 1971/10-9-2009. BIOZ evolved from a multi-disciplinary research group originally established to concentrate on research of animal genetics, to elucidate the functional and ecological benefits of genetic polymorphism at the organism and population level and to use the fruits of the research for the development of possible applications.
The research activities of BIOZ span all levels of biological organization, ranging from the isolation, characterization and evolution of genes to genetic polymorphism and species phylogenesis, to the identification of the functional impact of genetic variation and across species comparisons. Taking advantage of its geographic location, the members of BIOZ mostly use animal species with a commercial interest as research models. This strategy, adopted early in BIOZ, has led to a series of diagnostic applications and the development of tight collaborations with the private sector that uses the services and consultation of ΒΙΟΖ. Taking into consideration the methodological approaches, the scientific questions and the final applications, research activities of BIOZ fall within four major axes: Biodiversity, Genetics in Sustainable Production, Human Disorders and Traceability.
In order to increase the competitiveness of its research, BIOZ has developed a network of national and international partners, participates in COST actions, ESF Research Networking Programs, and National Science and Technology platforms. Research funding is ensured through the applications that have been developed, with participation in competitive research programs and through the Department's Postgraduate Programs. BIOZ's total research publications amount to 70 articles in prestigious international scientific journals and numerous contributions to national and international conferences. 30 research programs have been prepared or are being prepared, of which 12 members of the laboratory were scientifically responsible.
"UNIVERSITY OF THESSALIA" (Coordinator) Laboratory of Genetics, Comparative and Evolutionary Biology
The International Hellenic University (DI.PA.E. ), based in Thessaloniki, was established by Presidential Decree 4610/2019 as a university by combining the former Alexandria Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki (ATEI of Thessaloniki), the former Technological Educational Institution of Central Macedonia (TEI of Central Macedonia), and the former Technological Educational Institution Foundation of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
In addition, it includes more than 40 instituted laboratories and offers more than 50 Master's Degree Programs, some of which are inter-institutional or inter-departmental, while 22 of them are offered in English. There are still a number of collaborations with universities and research centers in Greece and abroad, and memoranda of cooperation have been signed with academic and social organizations that strengthen its position both in the Greek field of higher education and the European one. 7 Schools with 34 Departments in subjects and fields of knowledge that meet the requirements of a modern university. The Department of Agriculture, which belongs to the School of Geotechnical Sciences, is active in the teaching and development of technologies in a wide range of thematic units in Agricultural science.
The Department of Agriculture has three directions: a) Plant Production, b) Animal Production and c) Agricultural Economy. Faculty members of the School implement research programs in the entire spectrum of Agricultural Production and fish farming.
In DI.PA.E. also included is the University Center for International Study Programs based in Thessaloniki and aimed at providing higher education, in a foreign language, to Greeks and foreigners with study programs 1u, 2uand 3ucycle.
In addition, it includes more than 40 instituted laboratories and offers more than 50 Master's Degree Programs, some of which are inter-institutional or inter-departmental while 22 of them are offered in English. There are still a number of collaborations with universities and research centers in Greece and abroad and memoranda of cooperation have been signed with academic and social organizations that strengthen its position both in the Greek field of higher education and the European one.
The research activity of the institution is important, with a presence in all agencies and a particular emphasis on national and European funding frameworks. Both active and integrated research actions include a number of projects within the NSRF and INTERREG transnational partnerships as well as in European frameworks such as HORIZON 2020 and the Marie Skodowska-Curie actions.
AVRAMAR started as four independent companies: Andromeda, Nereus, Selonda and Perseus. In early 2019, we came together to create a single organization, AVRAMAR. The name AVRAMAR represents our combined experience and expertise, our passion and heritage. Continue to learn more about our story.